Introduction to React



External stylesheets

You can just create an external stylesheet and import it in your application the following way:

import "./styles.css"

Inline styles

In CSS, propierties use kebab-case (e.g. font-size). In JS, camelCase is used (e.g. fontSize).

// Numbers (not string) are automically understood as pixels
// You can also use JS variables; as you can see, the color is set to
// theme.color.primary here. If the value of it changes, the styling will
// adjust too
<div style={{width: '100%', height: 200, fontSize=16, color: theme.color.primary}}>
// Always applies the my-div-style class
// When the variable isDarkMode is set to true, the class dark-mode is added,
// otherwise the class light-mode is used
<div className={`my-div-style ${isDarkMode ? "dark-mode" : "light-mode" }`}>


Another common approach is to use CSS within JS. This allows you to easily create dynamic styles and style your components based on JS logic.

styled-jsx is one common library for CSS-in-JS.

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