Introduction to React

Introduction to Next.js

Introduction to Next.js

Next.js is a framework for React (yep, a framework for a framework) and simplifies React development, but also adds new features that are fairly easy to use:

  • File-based routing
  • SSR and SSG
  • Internationalization
  • Image Optimization
  • Analytics
  • Less configuration (less boilerplate code)
  • Built-in component-scoped styling and SASS support
  • Create API endpoint for backend functionality

Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

Before sending the website to the browser, it gets prerender on the server. This has the following advantages:

  • Better Search Engine Optimization
  • Servers are faster than client's browser -> faster loading
  • dynamic html meta tags, for example for structured data

Static Site Generation (SSG)

When running in SSG mode, static sites are output, so you don't need a server running.

Unlike normal SPAs like when using normal React, however, the sites are delivered empty to the user. Instead, the HTML is delivered pre-prerendered to the user

  • Lower costs
  • Easy deployments to CDNS
  • Better SEO and performance than non-pre-rendered SPAs
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